New Name
Today is another big day. Inspired again by nature, and after another long hiatus, we are excited to announce that we are changing our name to: Nature Me Now. Our new name reflects our purpose to continue to provide content that people find captivating, informative,...
Tui & Friends by Nature Me Now – Book Preview
Would you like to be notified when the Tui & Friends book is ready for pre-order? If you do, click the Notify Me button below and then use the form to submit your e-mail address and we’ll let you know: * We think privacy is important. Your information will...Endangered New Zealand Yellow-Eyed Penguin
The yellow-eyed penguin (Megadyptes antipodes) or hoiho is a penguin native to New Zealand. Previously thought closely related to the little penguin (Eudyptula minor), molecular research has shown it more closely related to penguins of the genus Eudyptes. Like most...Read moreOh! The blissful sounds of nature
Sink deep into your heart
Give eternal joy,
All anxiety melts away.― Balroop Singh

A New Look for Nature Stress Relief
Today is a big day. Inspired by nature, and after a long hiatus, we’re introducing a new look with our brand new logo and website design refresh. Clean. Simple. Expressive. New logo: Updated website’s homepage: Expect to see more activity from us. We’ll be...