Big City StressStudies have shown that people who live in big cities are more prone to stress, anxiety, and depression than those who live in rural areas. The stress from living among and interacting with many, many people on a daily basis has been determined to be one of the factors of these findings. Additionally, as more and more people are moving out of rural settings and into bigger and more densely populated metropolitan areas, the levels of stress, anxiety, and depression will continue to increase.

How to relieve from stress caused by tightly packed urban living can be challenging, but also feasible. The following tips may just help to soothe the anxiety and stress caused by having to interact with the daily pressure of long lines, traffic jams and constant loud noises.

Manage Your Time
Give yourself plenty of time to get to your destination whether it’s a job, appointment or school. Not having to rush will help maintain a calm state of mind, and enhance the ability to handle any unexpected delays that may occur.

Understand What Is Within Your Control And What Is Not
How can we reduce stress when we can’t control our surroundings? It’s important to understand that some potentially stressful situations such as traffic congestion, noise pollution and rude people are simply not within your control. Fully recognizing those facts can help stem reactions to them, and will help to manage stress and anxiety that can arise from those circumstances. They are simply a part of big city life.

Utilize Public Transportation
Let the subway, bus, or train take you to your destination while you relax reading a book, listening to music, or watching a nature video. Alternatively, you can take that time to do some deep breathing and collect your thoughts.

Nature stress relief havenFind Your Haven
Most large cities have public parks, museums and libraries that can serve as personal sanctuaries in which to get away from the constant cacophony of city life. Discover places that are restful to you and allow youself to regroup and relax.

If you cannot find a haven outside of your apartment or home then you may want to consider bringing the haven to you. Use of simulated (virtual) nature is proven to reduce stress.

If you have a technical device such as a smartphone or a tablet, you can relieve your stress by taking sometime a day to use your smartphone or tablet as a window to Nature. The use of your flat screen TV and surround sound system to fill your home with the sights and sounds of pure nature when you get home can also be a great way to relieve stress.

Throngs of people and constant noises are more than enough to keep your mind continually engaged, which in turn can increase your stress. To assist you in daily urban living Nature Stress Relief videos are specifically designed to bring nature to you when you can’t get to nature. They can contribute to alleviating stress caused from your already packed and busy big city existence.