Mayer, S. , McPherson Frantz, C. , Bruehlman-Senecal, E. & Dolliver, K (2008) Why Is Nature Beneficial? The Role of Connectedness to Nature. Environment and Behaviour, vol 41 no. 5, 607 – 643.

This paper compares three studies which compare real natural and urban settings with video of natural and urban settings on the well being of participants. Natural settings were shown to have a positive effect on connectedness to nature, attentional capacity, positive emotions, and ability to reflect on a life problem. Effects of real nature were more pronounced than video of nature, but video did still produce positive results.

We suggest that this study supports our idea that using Nature Stress Relief video to simulate a natural environment in your home will have a positive effect on your attentional capacity, increase positive emotion and your ability to reflect upon your life problems, especially when you may be unable to access real nature.